by emilsundell | Mar 17, 2020 | Personal Development, Thoughtful
Do you ever think about why certain people are more successful than the others, even if their business areas are the same? Graduates of the same college aren’t all the same in their careers. Why? Well, that’s totally because all have different mindsets...
by emilsundell | Mar 11, 2020 | Personal Development
Do you dream of having the ultimate freedom in choosing the lifestyle that is best for you? Do you dream of living a life where you decide what hours to work? All this can be possible, and with the right mindset you can reach this point. But before you can reach that...
by emilsundell | Jun 24, 2018 | Personal Development, Thoughtful
To find purpose in life is something I’ve thought a lot about during the last years. Many of my friends have worked their ways up in the corporate world and have gotten good and well paid jobs. However very few feel like they are in the “zone” and...
by emilsundell | May 9, 2018 | Thoughtful
I just wanted to share a short story I read in a book called Start with Why by Simon Sinek. A book I really can recommend by the way! One of the more memorable parts of it for me was when he told the story of two stonemasons, here it is: “Consider the story of...
by emilsundell | Apr 22, 2018 | Thoughtful
Today I just wanted to share a quote with you that I think is so true, here it is: “If you do the same things like everyone else, you will have the same results like everyone else.” Think about that for a minute. The average person have a 9-5 job that they...
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