These 7 Hours Will Determine Your Life

These 7 Hours Will Determine Your Life

Do you dream of having the ultimate freedom in choosing the lifestyle that is best for you? Do you dream of living a life where you decide what hours to work? All this can be possible, and with the right mindset you can reach this point. But before you can reach that...
Ikigai – Find your purpose

Ikigai – Find your purpose

To find purpose in life is something I’ve thought a lot about during the last years. Many of my friends have worked their ways up in the corporate world and have gotten good and well paid jobs. However very few feel like they are in the “zone” and...
The story of two stonemasons

The story of two stonemasons

I just wanted to share a short story I read in a book called Start with Why by Simon Sinek. A book I really can recommend  by the way! One of the more memorable parts of it for me was when he told the story of two stonemasons, here it is: “Consider the story of...
Fail = First Attempt In Learning?

Fail = First Attempt In Learning?

Do you think the title sounds too cheesy? I definitely thought so the first time I read it ^^ One of my former colleagues had those lines written on his desk in large bold letters… F.A.I.L = First Attempt In Learning Some people made fun of him for it but he...
Is AI Taking Over The Traditional Jobs?

Is AI Taking Over The Traditional Jobs?

It’s predicted that a vast number of traditional jobs will be replaced with more efficient systems of artificial intelligence (AI) and automation within the next decade. Jobs in all sectors are facing a huge transformation. What will we humans occupy ourselves...
Rewarded For Quality Or Quantity?

Rewarded For Quality Or Quantity?

Is it best to get rewarded and paid for how many hours you spend at something or the quality of what you produce? There are some different way to make a living, the most common one is to trade your time to an employer in order to earn a salary. However this is not the...
The Power Of Daily Mini-Improvements

The Power Of Daily Mini-Improvements

It’s easy to get overwhelmed when facing a new big task in life. It could be to start training for your first marathon, building your dream house from scratch or, as I am currently doing, starting up your own online business. There are a lot of new things to...
The biggest regret of dying people

The biggest regret of dying people

We are often in such a rush in our ordinary lives that we seldom take the time to just pause, take a step back and reflect upon the path our life is taking. Time seems to fly away and before we know it it’s over. When you are laying on your deathbed looking back at...